There are prominent cooperatives in the
Iranian Cooperative Movement, some of which are:
Production (Agriculture)
Ø The Rafsanjan Pistachio Producers' Cooperative
Rafsanjan Pistachio Producers’ Co-operative is Iran’s largest, widely respected exporter of Iranian pistachios worldwide. Established in 1968 with some 200 members, today there are 75,000- most of whom are orchard owners and pistachio producers from Rafsanjan. RPPC oversees the quality of cultivation, harvesting, processing, packing and storage in line with strict international standards. All RPPC’s pistachio terminals meet the highest levels of hygiene. RPPC has invested millions of dollars in the latest equipment, mitigating the risk of staining in shell nuts. Testing at regional laboratories is rigorous and exacting. The co-operative’s modern warehouses, silos which are equipped with powerful ventilation systems and clean concrete floors to maintain a sterile environment provide ideal storage prior to shipping. The latest packing apparatus and carefully controlled storage conditions mean an excellent standard of quality is maintained - so only the freshest, high - quality pistachios are delivered to RPPC’s many customers worldwide. RPPC has a network of offices in Germany, the UK, Malaysia and Dubai which its European roasting, salting and packing facility is in Hamburg.

ØThe Union of Agricultural
Cooperatives of Livestock, Poultry and Aquaculture Feed Factories of Khorasan
The Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Livestock, Poultry and Aquaculture Feed Factories of Khorasan Razavi was established in September 2002 and started with the presence of 17 animal feed factories. This cooperative was upgraded in 2016 with the cooperation of Iran's rural cooperatives organization to the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Livestock, Poultry and Aquaculture Feed Factories of Khorasan Razavi. Currently, it has 33 active members with a capacity of concentrate production of 2,170,000 tons per year, and member factories have the ability to produce different types of feed for animal, poultry and aquatic in various forms.
The most important activities of the union are summarized in two
sections: trade and technical services. The company follows the efforts of two
commercial committees and the technical committee and follows its efforts in
providing services to the members.
- Business Services
The main goal of the Commercial Committee is to procure and supply
part of the raw materials required by the factories under which it is covered.
- Technical services
The most important activities of the technical services department
include improving the production line - improving production quality -
increasing productivity - developing and equipping factories using new
technology - planning to visit exhibitions inside and outside the country to
familiarize members with new achievements and technologies. Livestock and
Poultry Feeding Processing - Using animal nutritionists to improve the quality
of concentrate produced by feed factories is covered.
Ø Manizan dairy cooperative company
Manizan dairy cooperative company is one of the top cooperatives in
dairy industry of Iran which its products are well-known in dairy market of
Ø Shabahang Shahriar Rural Cooperative
Shabahang Shahriar Rural Cooperative Company is one of the
successful cooperatives in the agricultural area since 1973. The main goals of
this cooperative is to achieve success in the various fields of business
activity such as supplying consumer goods, foreign trade, domestic trade
(buying and selling agricultural products), services (distribution of
production facilities), production, credit, sports, medical, and
cultural-educational activities.
Production (Industry)
Ø Iran Oilseeds and Vegetable Oil
Factories Co-operative Co. (FARDA)

Established 20 May 2006, Farda Co-operative has 29 shareholders from vegetable oil factories in Iran that account for 93% of Iran’s vegetable oil industry. Farda provides all sorts of technical and financial resources, as well as raw materials used by its shareholders.
Farda was recognized Superior Industrial Co-operative in the Top
Co-ops Festival in 2008 and 2010 and Premier Co-op in 2014 by the Iranian
Ministry of Co-operation. 41% of Farda personnel
are women and the Co-op has also established an Applied Sciences Education
Center and a co-op transportation company.
Given the progressive development of Farda, the primary capital has increased
by %69 since establishment of the Co-op.
Ø Alvan Paint and Resin Cooperative

Alvan paint & resin production is a dynamic cooperative company where in order to provide the
consumers with the best products & services, the quality of the products
plus customer satisfaction have always been its first priority. ALVAN
cooperative is one of the premier brands in the industry due to the unrivaled
quality, innovation, value creation, efficiency and active participation. The
company has gained wide recognition & excellent reputation as a leader in
quality coatings, outstanding customer service, continuous financial growth,
and most importantly, integrity.
ALVAN has been originated a family business and till now as the industry's leading company, for consistency in the continuous improvement of products, following technologies, new packaging, motivate qualified personnel, the proactively respond to customer needs and an unwavering commitment to innovation and because of research and development of new products, our company has been well reputed among the society.
ALVAN with emphasis on sustainability and durability of its products' options and focus on new processes, manufactures goods, with minimal effects on nature. Alvan company is also a leader in the environmental strategies
and brings its green ideas with regard to new technologies into practice.
Ø Hermes Steel Structures Cooperative

Hermes Steel Structures Cooperative Company as the first Iranian
cooperative in this area is a leader in the production of alloy articles in
Tehran. This cooperative by utilizing the best engineers and also with 25 years
of experience in the field of steel is one of the main suppliers for a number
of companies in Iran.

Ø The National Union of Handmade
Carpet Cooperatives
The National Union of Handmade Carpet Cooperatives is one of the largest and most important fields of production, employment and trade in Iran's economy.
The National Union of Handmade Carpet Cooperatives has more than 25
years of experience in production, 11 years of training experience, 9 years of
experience in holding exhibitions and 8 years in having permanent stores.

Ø ESKAD, Consumer Cooperative Union

The National Union of I.R. Iran Government Employees Consumer
Cooperatives is one of the largest existing cooperative unions in the country, which works to meet the needs of employee cooperatives throughout the country. This union, which was formed in 1963 with a capital of 350,000 Rials and a membership of 15 cooperatives, has followed the growing trend of the country's economy. In order to provide services to the government employees' consumer union cooperatives in the provincial capitals, it utilizes nearly 400 small and large employee consumer cooperatives in Tehran. At present, a large number of quota goods and a large collection of all necessary and required goods are transported to the provincial capitals of the country every day. Thus, the National Union of Government Employees Consumer Cooperatives, along with its member unions and cooperatives, is one of the powerful economic levers of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to provide welfare and livelihood services to government employees.

Ø Sepah, Consumer Cooperative
Sepah Consumers’ Cooperative was
established in Tehran in early 1949 with a capital of Iranian Rials 32,500.
Divided into 65 shares of Rials 500 each as nominal and attributed of articles
189-194 of Trading Law approved in the year by usage from related experts and
self- assistance and voluntary collaboration from some of the friends of the
Cooperative as well as guidance of experts in Labor Ministry, especially Mr.
Colombin, the experts of International Labor Organization. By the end of 1949
the number of the Cooperative members reached 944 and its capital exceeded
Rials 772,000.
On the strength of over 60 years of dedicated market activity, Sepah Consumers’ Cooperative Company today has more than 60,000 shareholders from ordinary citizens in the country. The Cooperative owns and operates a total of 20 supermarket chain stores that serve the Iranian market mainly with a diverse range of food items in Tehran and other Iranian cities.

Ø Shahr-yar Cooperative Company
Tehran Municipality Employees Production and Distribution
Cooperative Company (Shahr-yar) is a diverse economic
group that aims to provide optimal and innovative services, increase the
efficiency of using micro-capital, attract public participation and provide
technical and technological needs in Tehran Municipality, which it was formed
in 2009. Shahr-yar Holding is a group of various companies that operate in
various fields of urban services, traffic equipment and signs, tourism
transportation, information technology, urban economics, trade and commerce,
construction and civil engineering. Shahr-yar Holding has about 64,000
shareholders, and empowering them as members of the large family of Tehran
Municipality has become its main priority.

Ø Pishgaman Cooperatives Group, IT

Pishgaman Cooperative Group, in order to develop the IT industry in Iran and to advance the goals of informing the general public, started its activities in 1996 in a serious way and by using specialized labor forces. Relying on the power and knowledge of the country's graduated and elite and using the most up-to-date equipment and technologies, Pishgaman Cooperative Company provides effective and 24-hour support for the services provided and years of experience in providing high-speed Internet services. Also, this cooperative provides a variety of services including bandwidth services on the base of wireless platforms, intranets, etc.

Ø Rah-e-Roshd Cultural-Educational
Rah-e-Roshd Cultural-Educational Cooperative Complex started its work in 1985 with the establishment of a preschool center, then in 1996, it expanded its scientific and cultural activities in primary school and with the framework of cooperatives. Rah-e Roshd Cooperative Company continues to operate with about 600 employees and more than 200 shareholders, 75% of whom work in the complex. Rah-e Roshd Cooperative Since its establishment, it has been introduced as the best cooperative by the Ministry of Cooperatives every year as the top national cooperative with two significant features. First, it's a successful cultural-educational cooperative. Second, it is a committed effort to develop the cooperative quantitatively and qualitatively and to promote the cooperatives culture.

Ø Taavon Insurance Company
Insurance Company as the
first insurance cooperative in the cooperative sector of Iran was formed in 2008 with the membership of 50 companies, cooperative unions, and provincial investment companies. It has commenced its activities since then based on a timetable and a plan developed to obtain the approval from Central Insurance of I.R.I and to establish the company. The founders advanced the affairs related to the establishment of the company in more than 22 meetings held with the participation of founders' representatives and 220 hours of coordinated work by making use of the knowledge and experience of a team of experts on the rules and regulations of insurance, establishing the secretariat company, completing the documents related to the founders, designing and launching the information base, developing the statutes and the master plan of the ongoing operations. The first comprehensive assembly of founders of Taavon Insurance Company was held on Oct 27th, 2008 in Tehran with the participation of cooperative unions and companies from all over the country and in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Cooperatives.

Ø Behzist Gonbad Curtain and clothing
Behzist Gonbad Cooperative started its work in 2003 with the efforts of Ms. Salehian, CEO and Founder of the company, by training more than 60 deaf girls and bread-winning women with limited facilities. The cooperative under the management of this woman cooperator has been able to connect and trade with a number of textile factories inside and outside the country and to provide raw materials and various fabrics in various designs and colors to attract customer and families' satisfaction. The quality of products and proper management has led to the introduction of the cooperative as the top cooperative in the country and the best entrepreneur and exemplary craftsman in the province and the top national to the international community.